Conference Volunteers

Close to 250 people volunteer their time each year to help with one or more aspects of the conference.  Below is each category of volunteers and how/when to sign up.

Conference Committee (advance and onsite work)

Key leadership roles are appointed by the NAYDO Council more than 18 months in advance of the conference dates, but there are many other positions on the committee that are recruited early in the year of the conference and some during the conference itself at the meeting held on Friday for those interested in serving for the following years. Besides the Chair for each of these categories there is a team of volunteers who assist. Currently the teams are:
  • Educational Tracks (deans are recruited for each track)
  • General Sessions
  • Communication Awards
  • Sponsors/Exhibitors
  • Registration
  • Session Volunteers (Workshop Conveners and Hosts)
  • Philanthropy Live!
  • Marketing/Promotion Campaign
  • International Components
  • Hot Topics (Facilitators and Recorders)
  • VIP (Volunteer in Philanthropy) Program
  • Young Professionals Program
  • Host Y Volunteers
The committee holds monthly conference calls and key leaders meet for a 1-day planning meeting at NAYDO’s expense in June at the conference site.

Volunteer Positions During the Conference  

Present a workshop  (Call for Presentations is available at the conference each year with a late June deadline for submitting proposals for consideration) 
  • Facilitate a Hot Topic table discussion or serve as a Recorder for the discussion
  • Assist with registration 
  • Serve as a workshop convener (introduces speaker) or workshop host (usher for participants) 
  • Sign up for Philanthropy Live! 
  • Serve as a Host Y greeter - Each year  the host YMCA(s) involves driving distance Ys in the host Y volunteer opportunities 
  • Serve as a Mentor for the NAYDO Young Professional Class

Contact Mary Zoller in the NAYDO Office for more details about any of these roles or the Coordinator indicated.